Shall we do something? - 우리 뭐 할까?

Shall we do something? - 우리 뭐 할까?


1. For verbs without a final consonant, attach ㄹ as a final consonant and add 까. 
eg. 사다 → 살까? = Shall we buy?

2. For verbs with a final consonant, attach 을까. 
eg. 입다 입을까? = shall we wear?

eg. 듣다 → 들을까?

  • 하다 → 할까? = Shall we do?
  • 가다 → 갈까? = Shall we go?
  • 먹다 → 먹을까? = Shall we eat?
  • 마시다 → 마실까? = Shall we drink?
  • 보다 → 볼까? = Shall we watch?
  • 듣다 → 들을까? = Shall we listen to?
  • 놀다 → 놀까? = Shall we hang out/muck around?

Example Sentences
  • 우리 놀이공원에 갈까? = Shall we go to a theme park?
  • 우리 스타벅스에서 커피 마실까? = Shall we drink coffee at Starbucks?
  • 우리 점심 먹으러 갈까? = Shall we go have lunch together?
  • 해리포터 영화 보러 갈까? = Shall we go watch the Harry Potter movie?
  • 우리 운동하러 헬스장 갈까? = Shall we go to a gym to exercise?
Note: Attach 요 to ㄹ/을 까 to make it formal.
  • 우리 놀이공원에 갈까요? = Shall we go to a theme park?
  • 우리 스타벅스에서 커피 마실까요? = Shall we drink coffee at Starbucks?
  • 우리 점심 먹으러 갈까요? = Shall we go have lunch together?
  • 해리포터 영화 보러 갈까요? = Shall we go watch the Harry Potter movie?
  • 우리 운동하러 헬스장 갈까요? = Shall we go to a gym to exercise?


  1. I'm getting hung up on the pronunciation of the 'ㄹ'.

  2. sometimes is is like an 'r' and other times 'l'... and even inaudible it seems... so confusing.

  3. ㄹ is a sound that many Korean learners find difficult to pronounce. I recommend listening to the ㄹ sound over and over, and try to imitate it. However, you'd notice that ㄹ is neither 'r' nor 'l' sounds. It's somewhere between the two. If you're familiar with Japanese, it might be helpful to know that ㄹ is quite similar to Japanese 'r' sound.

  4. Luke, could you clarify the difference between ~을/ㄹ 래 and ~ 을/ㄹ 까 ? From the explanations on your website, it seems they are used in the same way.

    1. Hi ED,

      ~을/ㄹ 래 and ~을/ㄹ 까 are very similar in meaning.

      You can use either one.

      I seem to use ~을/ㄹ 래 more often actually when I'm speaking. ;-)

    2. In retrospect, I think, ~을/ㄹ 래 is equivalent to "do you want to do something?" whereas ~을/ㄹ 까 is more equivalent to "shall we do something?"

      So, 밥먹을래? = Do you want to have a meal? / Would you like to have a meal?(it implies I'd also like to eat with you but not always, the questioner may be asking whether the other person would like to have a meal.)

      밥먹을까? = Shall we have a meal?

  5. Hi, if the subject is the first person "I", is the meaning that "may I do something?", then when the listener agrees, he/she will reply "Verb se yo", otherwise "Verb chi ma se yo" is used to show their disagreement. For I can't type Korean, I hope that you wil understand my question and reply soon. Thanks.

  6. yea
    ~을/ㄹ 래 and ~ 을/ㄹ 까 seems the same..
    i'm getting confused with these two

  7. Why does 먹 become 먹으러? Thx


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