Fruit and Vegetables

These are two photos with a mix of fruit and vegetables.
What are their respective Korean names?
Can you name their names?
Also, do you know any other fruit or vegetables in Korean?

Korean Words:

Grapes = 포도
Banana = 바나나
Cherries = 체리
Pear = 배
Apple = 사과
Cucumber = 오이
Carrot = 당근
Peach = 복숭아
Plum = 자두
Orange = 오렌지
Mandarin orange = 귤

Paprika = 파프리카
Green pepper = 피망
Pumpkin = 호박
Zucchini = 애호박
Broccoli = 브로콜리
Cabbage = 양배추
Lettuce = 양상추
(Korean) cabbage = 배추 (used to make Kimchi)
(Korean) lettuce = 상추 (usually served in Korean BBQ restaurants)
Avocado = 아보카도
Asparagus = 아스파라거스
Eggplant = 가지

* Use Google Translate to listen to their pronunciations.

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