
Brown Eyes - Already One Year

브라운 아이즈 - 벌써 일년

가사 (Lyrics) 

처음(first, start)이라(because)  그래(it is so) (It's because (my) first (time))
며칠(several day)뒤(after)엔 괜찮아져(become all right/OK)
그(that) 생각(thought)만(only/alone)으로(by)
벌써(already) 일년(one year)이

너와(with you) 만든(made) 기념일(anniversary)마다(every)
슬픔(sadness)은 나를(me) 찾아와(come visit)
처음(first) 사랑(love) 고백하며(confess, tell)
설렌(heart fluttering) 수줍음(shyness)과
우리(we) 처음(first) 만난(met)날(day)

너의(your) 생일(birthday)엔(contracted form of 에는)(at)
눈물의(tears') 케익(cake) (a cake of tears)
촛불(candlelight) 켜고서(light)

I believe in you
I believe in your mind
벌써(already) 일년(one year)이
지났지만(passed but)
일년 뒤에도 (one year later, too)
그 일년 뒤에도 (that one year later, too)
널 기다려((I) await you)
너무(very) 보고 싶어(want to see (you))
돌아와줘(please come back/return) 말 못했어(couldn't say (it))

널 보는 (seeing you) 따뜻한(warm)
그의(his) 눈빛(eyes)과(and)
니(your) 왼손(left hand)에 껴진(worn (wear))
반지(ring)보다(more than) 빛난(shone)
니(your) 얼굴(face) 때문에(because of)

= Because of your face that shone more than the ring that you wore in your left hand and his warm eyes that stare at you.

I believe in you
I believe in your mind
다시(again) 시작한(started) 널 알면서(knowing you)
이젠(now) 나 없이(without me)
추억(memory/reminescences)을 만드는(making)
너(you)라는 걸(it is) 우~~

내(I)가 기억하는(remembering)
추억(memory/reminescences)은 언제나(always)  (= the memory that I remember always)
지난(past) 웃음(laughter)과(and)
얘기(stories)와 바램들(wishes)
또(again) 새로(newly) 만들(making)
추억(memory/reminescences)은 하나뿐(one only)
내(my) 기다림(waiting)과(and)
눈물(tears)속(inside) 너일뿐(you only)

I believe in you
I believe in your mind
다시(again) 시작한(started) 널 알면서(knowing you)
이젠(now) 나 없이(without me)
추억(memory/reminescences)을 만드는(making)
너(you)라는 걸(it is)

I believe in you
I believe in your mind
벌써(already) 일년(one year)이
지났지만(passed but)
일년 뒤에도 (one year later, too)
그 일년 뒤에도 (that one year later, too)
널 기다려((I) await you)

Learn Through Music


  1. Annyeonghaseyo. I love all of the songs you posted here. Thank you so much bcause it's very very very helpful for my learning Korean English. I'll be wait for others Music Video from you. Kamsahamnita!

  2. You're welcome! Enjoy the songs and all the best with your learning! :)
