김동률 - 출발
This is the second video I'm putting up as an experiment to see whether it can be of help in developing listening skills, and learning grammar points along the way. This is a song called, Start/Departure, by Dong-Ryul Kim. He's a very well-known artist in Korea and has produced many popular songs. I particularly like this song as it contains themes of travel, adventure and one's own path of life.
Click on the words in blue for detailed explanations of the grammar.
가사 (Lyrics)
아주 멀리 까지 가보고 싶어
(= I want to go very far)
- 아주 = very
- 멀리 = far
- ~까지 = up to, until
- 가보다 = go and see
- ~고 싶다 = want to
그 곳 에서 누구를 만날수가 있을지
(= I wonder who I could meet at that place.)
- 그 곳 = that place
- ~에서 = at
- 누구 = who
- 만나다 = meet
- ~수 있다 = can
- ~을지 = wonder
아주 높이까지 오르고 싶어
(= I want to climb up to very high.)
- 높이 = high
- 오르다 = climb up
얼마나 더 먼 곳을 바라볼 수 있을지
(= I wonder how far I could look.)
- 얼마나 = how (much)
- 더 = more
- 멀다 = far
- 먼 곳 = far place
- 바라보다 = look
작은 물병 하나 먼지 낀 카메라
(= A small water bottle. A camera covered with dust.)
- 작다 = small
- 물병 = water bottle
- 하나 = one
- 먼지 = dust
- 먼지 낀 = covered with dust
- 카메라 = camera
때 묻은 지도 가방 안에 넣고서
(= After putting a soiled map into my bag.)
- 때 묻은 = soiled, grimy
- 지도 = map
- 가방 = bag
- 안 = inside
- 넣다 = put in
언덕을 넘어 숲길을 헤치고
(= Passing the hill and pushing my way through)
- 언덕 = hill
- 넘다 = pass
- 숲길 = forest path/trail
- ~을 헤치다 = push one's way through
가벼운 발걸음 닿는 대로
(= As my light footsteps can reach.)
- 가볍다 = light (weight)
- 발걸음 = footsteps
- 닿다 = reach
- 닿는 대로 = as (I) can reach
끝없이 이어진 길을 천천히 걸어가네
(= I walk on slowly the endlessly connected path.)
- 끝없이 = endlessly
- 이어지다 = connected, extended
- 길 = path, trail, street
- 천천히 = slowly
- 걸어가다 = walk on
멍하니 앉아서 쉬기도 하고
(= Sometimes just sitting blankly and resting.)
- 멍하니 = vacantly, blankly
- 앉다 = sit
- 쉬다 = rest
- ~도 하고 = sometimes (do)
가끔 길을 잃어도 서두르지 않는 법
(= Occasionally when I lose my way, i don't hurry.)
- 가끔 = occasionally
- 잃다 = lose one's way
- 서두르다 = hurry
- 법 = way, method, law
언젠가는 나도 알게 되겠지
(= One day I will know, too.)
- 언젠가 = one day
- 나도 = I, too
- 알다 = know
- ~게 되다 = becomes that
- 알게 되다 = It become that I know
- ~겠지 = it is likely to happen this way
이 길이 곧 나에게 가르쳐 줄테니까
(= Because this path will teach me soon.)
- 이 길 = this path
- 곧 = soon
- 나에게 = to me
- 가르쳐 주다 = give the favour of teaching
- ~테니까 = because ~
촉촉한 땅바닥 앞서간 발자국
(= The moist ground. The footprint that went ahead (of me).)
- 촉촉한 = moist
- 땅바닥 = ground
- 앞서가다 = go ahead
- 발자국 = footprints
처음보는 하늘 그래도 낯 익은 길
(= The sky that I see for the first time. Though the familiar path.)
- 처음 = first time
- 보다 = see
- 하늘 = sky
- 그래도 = though
- 낯 익은 = familiar
- 길 = path
언덕을 넘어 숲길을 헤치고
가벼운 발걸음 닿는 대로
끝없이 이어진 길을 천천히 걸어가네
(as above)
새로운 풍경에 가슴이 뛰고
(= My heart beats to the new scenery.)
- 새로운 = new
- 풍경 = scenery, landscape
- 가슴 = heart
- 뛰다 = beat
별것 아닌 일에도 호들갑을 떨면서
(= Making a great fuss about things that are not a big deal.)
- 별것 아닌 일 = not a big deal
- 호들갑을 떨다 = make a great fuss about (trifles)
나는 걸어가네 휘파람 불며
(= I walk on while whistling.)
- 걸어가다 = walk on
- 휘파람 불다 = whistle
- ~며 = while ~
때로는 넘어져도 내 길을 걸어가네
(= Although I sometime stumble, I walk on my path.)
- 때로는 = sometimes
- 넘어지다 = fall down, stumble
- 내 길 = my path/way
- 걸어가다 = walk on
- ~네 = just (do)
- 걸어가네 = I just walk on
작은 물병 하나 먼지 낀 카메라
때 묻은 지도 가방 안에 넣고서
언덕을 넘어 숲길을 헤치고 가벼운 발걸음 닿는 대로
끝없이 이어진 길을 천천히 걸어가네
(as above)
내가 자라고 정든 이 거리를 난 가끔 그리워 하겠지만
(= Though sometimes I will miss this beloved street where I grew up,)
- 자라다 = grow up
- 정든 = beloved
- 거리 = street
- 난 = contracted form of 나는 (frequently used in spoken Korean)
- 가끔 = occasionally, sometimes
- 그리워하다 = miss
- ~겠지만 = though I would
이렇게 나는 떠나네
(= I leave like this.)
- 이렇게 = like this
- 떠나다 = leave
더 넓은 세상 으로
(= To a wider world.)
- 더 = more
- 넓다 = wide
- 세상 = world
- ~으로 = to
Learn Through Music
WOW! Great work, friend :)
ReplyDeleteIt'll be useful to improve my vocabulary and my grammar :)
I like your website a lot.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you!
what a graet song thanks
ReplyDeleteI love your site. Thank you so much for putting your time to make this a great place for Korean learners. Learning Korean is much easier for me now. Your resources are so helpful, it serves as a big motivation for me to keep wanting to get better and not give up on Korean language. I especially like this song section. Thank you again! =)
ReplyDeleteHATS off..........
ReplyDeletevery helpful. thank you!!!! <3
ReplyDeletethank u so much for putting such effort for us and make it easy now to learn korean and also having fun in the same time