
Park Bom) - You & I

박봄 - You & I


Click on the words in blue for more details and explanations.

가사 (Lyrics) 

No matter what happens
Even when the sky is falling down

I promise you
That I'll never let you go
Oh Oh Oh oh Oh oh-Yeah

You 내가 쓰러질 때 절대 흔들림 없이

(= When I fall down/collapse, you are ever without any shaking/wavering.)
  • 나 = I
  • 내가 = 나 + 가 (NOT 나가)
  • 쓰러지다 = fall (down), collapse
  • 절대 = never, ever
  • 흔들리다 = shake, waver, sway
  • 흔들림 = shaking, wavering, swaying (a noun form of 흔들리다)
  • ~없이 = without (something)

강한 눈빛으로 몇 번이고 날 일으켜 줘

(= You raise me up many times (over) with an unfaltering gaze.)
  • 강하다 = strong
  • 강한 = strong
  • 눈빛 = gaze (Lit. light in the eyes)
  • ~로/으로 = by, with
  • 몇 번이고 = many times (over)
  • 날 = contracted form of 나를
  • 일으키다 = raise up
  • 주다 = give
  • 일으켜 주다 = giving the favour of raising up

And You 나 힘에 겨울 때 슬픔을 벼랑 끝까지
(= And when I'm exhausted, (remove) sadness (out) to the end of a cliff.)
  • 나 = I
  • 힘 = strength
  • 힘에 겹다 = be exhausted
  • ~때 = when
  • 슬픔 = sadness
  • 벼랑 = cliff
  • 끝 = end
  • 까지 = till, up to

또 어김없이 찾아 와 두 손 잡은 그대에게
(= Again, he does not fail to visit (me), holding (my) two hands)

  • 또 = again
  • 어김없이 = do not fail to, without fail
  • 찾아오다 = visit, drop by/in
  • 둘 = two
  • 손 = hand
  • 두 손 = two hands (Note: In Korean, a noun can be singular or plural depending on the context.)
  • 잡다 = hold, catch
  • 그대 = you (same as 너(informal). 그대 is usually used in songs, poems and other literary genre.)
  • 에게 = to (someone)

난 해준 게 없는데 초라한 나지만

(= Although I haven't done anything (for you). Though I'm simple/humble/shabby)
  • 난 = contracted form of 나는
  • 해주다 = give the favour of doing
  • 게 = contracted form of 것이
  • 없다 = there is/are not
  • 해준 게 없다 = There is not (anything) I've done (for you)
  • 초라하다 = shabby, poor, humble, simple
  • ~지만 = but, although

오늘 그대 위해 이 노래 불러요

(= Today I sing for you this song.)

Tonight 그대의 두 눈에
(= Tonight, in your two eyes)
  • 그대 = you
  • 두 눈 = two eyes
  • = at

그 미소 뒤에 날 위해 감춰왔던 아픔이 보여요

(= I can see the pain you have hidden behind (your) smile for my sake)
  • 그 = that
  • 미소 = smile
  • 뒤 = behind
  • 날 = contracted form of 나를
  • 감추다 = hide
  • 오다 = come
  • 감추어 오다 = has been hiding
  • 아픔 = pain
  • 보이다 = be seen
  • 보여요 = be seen (polite spoken form)

You and I together it just feels all right

이별이란 말은 never 그 누가 뭐라 해도 난 그댈 지킬게

(= Never (say) the word, parting/farewell. I'll protect you even if something happens.)
  • 이별 = farewell, parting
  • 이란 = so-called
  • 말 = word, language
  • 이별이란 말 = a word, so-called farewell/parting
  • 그 누가 = whoever
  • 뭐라 해도 = does(says) something
  • 그 누가 뭐라 해도 = whoever does(says) something (I'll translate it as: even if something happens)
  • 난 = contracted form of 나는
  • 그댈 = contracted form of 그대를
  • 지키다 = protect
  • 지킬게 = will protect

You and I together 내 두 손을 놓지 마

(= Please don't let go of my two hands.)

  • 내 두 손 = My two hands
  • 놓다 = let go
  • 놓지마 = don't let go

안녕이란 말은 never 내게 이 세상은 오직 너 하나기에

(= Never (say) the word, bye. To me, (in) this world, only you alone.) 
  • 안녕 = hi, hello, bye (In this instance, 안녕's meaning is "bye.")
  • 말 = word
  • 이 세상 = this world
  • 오직 = only
  • 너 = you
  • 하나 = one
  • 하나기에 = as (it's) one

그 많은 사람처럼 

(= Like many people)
  • 그 = that
  • 많다 = many
  • 많은 = many
  • 사람 = person, people
  • 처럼 = like

우리 사랑 역시 조금씩 변하겠죠

(= Our love, as well, would change little by little, wouldn't it.)
  • 우리 = we, our
  • 사랑 = love
  • 역시 = as well
  • 조금씩 = little by little
  • 변하다 = change
  • 겠죠 = it would, wouldn't it

하지만 제발 슬퍼 말아요 

(= But please don't be sad)
  • 하지만 = but
  • 제발 = please
  • 슬프다 = sad
  • 말다 = stop
  • 슬퍼 말아 = don't be sad 

오랜 친한 친구처럼 나만을 믿을 수 있게

(= Like a long-time close friend, so that (you'd) be able to believe only me)
  • 오랜 = long-time, old
  • 친하다 = close (friend)
  • 처럼 = like
  • 나만 = only I/me
  • 믿다 = believe
  • 믿을 수 있다 = can believe

기댈 수 있게

(= So that (you'd) be able to lean on (me))

  • 기대다 = lean on

I promise you that I'll be right here baby

 난 해준 게 없는데 초라한 나지만
(= Although I haven't done anything (for you). Though I'm simple/humble/shabby)
  • 난 = contracted form of 나는
  • 해주다 = give the favour of doing
  • 게 = contracted form of 것이
  • 없다 = there is/are not
  • 해준 게 없다 = There is not (anything) I've done (for you)
  • 초라하다 = shabby, poor, humble, simple
  • ~지만 = but, although

오늘 그대 위해 이 노래 불러요

(= Today I sing for you this song.)

Tonight 그대의 두 눈에
(= Tonight, in your two eyes)
  • 그대 = you
  • 두 눈 = two eyes
  • = at

그 미소 뒤에 날 위해 감춰왔던 아픔이 보여요

(= I can see the pain you have hidden behind (your) smile for my sake)
  • 그 = that
  • 미소 = smile
  • 뒤 = behind
  • 날 = contracted form of 나를
  • 감추다 = hide
  • 오다 = come
  • 감추어 오다 = has been hiding
  • 아픔 = pain
  • 보이다 = be seen
  • 보여요 = be seen (polite spoken form)

You and I together it just feels all right

이별이란 말은 never 그 누가 뭐라 해도 난 그댈 지킬게
You and I together 내 두 손을 놓지 마
안녕이란 말은 never 내게 이 세상은 오직 너 하나기에

[Same as above]

외로운 밤이 찾아올 땐 나 살며시 눈을 감아요 

(= When a lonely night comes visit me, I gently close my eyes.)
  • 외롭다 = lonely
  • 밤 = night
  • 찾아오다 = visit
  • 살며시 = gently
  • 눈을 감다 = close (one's) eyes

그대의 숨결이 날 안을 때 무엇도 두렵지 않죠 
(= When your breath holds/embraces me, I'm not afraid of anything.)

  • 그대의 = your
  • 숨결 = breath
  • 날 = 나를
  • 안다 = hug, hold, embrace
  • 무엇도 = anything
  • 두렵다 = be afraid
  • 두렵지 않다 = not afraid

이 세상 그 어떤 누구도 그대를 대신할 수 없죠
(= In this world, nobody could substitute you.)
  • 이 세상 = this world
  • 어떤 누구 = anybody
  • 그대 = you
  • 대신하다 = substitute
  • 대신할 수 없다 = cannot substitute

You are the only one and I'll be there for you baby

You and I together it just feels all right
이별이란 말은 never 그 누가 뭐라 해도 난 그댈 지킬게
You and I together 내 두 손을 놓지 마
안녕이란 말은 never 내게 이 세상은 오직 너 하나기에

[Same as above]

Just you and I Forever and ever.. 

Learn Through Music


  1. Hi Luke~~

    You like Park Bom too?^^
    Could you please explain me how the '뭐라 해도' is used and how you form it??

    I've been looking forward to your posts since months ago, so please keep it up~~!!

  2. Hi 안디!

    뭐라 해도 could be loosely translated as "(even if someone) says something (against me/you)"

    For example,

    그 누가 뭐라 해도 나는 포기 하지 않을 거다 = I will not give up even if someone says something (against me).

    I thought this song of Park Bom's had some nice lyrics to transcribe~


  3. keep up the good work! this is so helpful and a fun way to learn korean! thanks youuu!

  4. I agree. I really like seeing the song lyrics explained and reading the words as the song is being sung. I think it is really good practice. Thank you for your site. It's great!

  5. Really thank you so much for creating this site. God bless you!
