
YB (Yoon Do Hyun) - I Am A Butterfly

윤도현 - 나는 나비

Click on the words in blue for detailed explanations of the grammar. 

가사 (Lyrics)

날개(wings) 활짝(straight) 펴고(spread) 세상(world) 자유롭게(freely) 날거야(will fly)
(= Spreading (my) wings straight, I'll fly the world freely)
노래하며(sings) 춤추는(dances) 나는(I am) 아름다운(beautiful) 나비(butterfly)
(= Singing and dancing, I am a beutiful butterfly.)

내 모습(my image/form/appearance)이 보이지 않아(is not seen(cannot see)) 앞(front)길(road/way)도 보이지 않아(is not seen(cannot see))
(= I cannot see my image/form/appearance. I cannot see (my) way in front (of me).)

나는(I am) 아주(very) 작은(small) 애벌레(caterpillar)
(= I am a very small caterpillar)
살이(flesh) 터져(burst/pop) 허물 벗어(slip out of its skin) 한 번(once) 두 번(twice) 다시(again)
(= Flesh poping and slipping out of its skin, once, twice and again)
나는(I am) 상처(wound) 많은(many) 번데기(pupa, chrysalis)
(= I am a pupa that has many wounds)

추운(cold) 겨울(winter)이 다가와(approach, draw near) 힘겨울지도 몰라(It could be tough/difficult)
(= The cold winter is approaching. It could be tough/difficult.)
봄(spring)바람(wind)이 불어오면(if/once comes blowing) 이제(now) 나의(my) 꿈(dream) 찾아(look for) 날아(fly)
(= Once the spring wind comes blowing, now looking for my dream, I fly!) 
날개(wings) 활짝(straight) 펴고(spread) 세상(world) 자유롭게(freely) 날거야(will fly)
(= Spreading (my) wings straight, I'll fly the world freely) 
노래하며(singing) 춤추는(dancing) 나는(I am) 아름다운(beautiful) 나비(butterfly)
(= Singing and dancing, I am a beutiful butterfly.)
날개(wings) 활짝(straight) 펴고(spread) 세상(world)을 자유롭게(freely) 날거야(will fly)
(= Spreading (my) wings straight, I'll fly the world freely) 

노래하며(singing) 춤추는(dancing) 나는(I am) 아름다운(beautiful) 나비(butterfly)
(= Singing and dancing, I am a beutiful butterfly.)
거미(spider)줄(web) 피해(avoid/dodge)날아(fly) 꽃(flowers) 찾아(look for) 날아(fly)
(= Avoiding the spider's web, I fly! Looking for flowers, I fly!)
사마귀(mantis)를 피해(avoid/dodge)날아(fly) 꽃(flowers)을 찾아(look for) 날아(fly)
(= Avoiding the mantis, I fly! Looking for flowers, I fly!)
꽃들(flowers)의 사랑(love)을 전하는(deliver) 나비(butterfly)
(= The butterfly, delivering the love of flowers!)

Spread my wings and fly away
Ride the wind sailing on the world today
sing a song reach for the sky
Fying butterfly God save me

날개(wings)를 활짝(straight) 펴고(spread) 세상(world)을 자유롭게(freely) 날거야(will fly)
(= Spreading (my) wings straight, I'll fly the world freely)  
노래하며(singing) 춤추는(dancing) 나는(I am) 아름다운(beautiful) 나비(butterfly)
(= Singing and dancing, I am a beutiful butterfly.) 
날개(wings)를 활짝(straight) 펴고(spread) 세상(world)을 자유롭게(freely) 날거야(will fly)
(= Spreading (my) wings straight, I'll fly the world freely)  
노래하며(singing) 춤추는(dancing) 나는(I am) 아름다운(beautiful) 나비(butterfly)
(= Singing and dancing, I am a beutiful butterfly.) 

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1 comment:

  1. I love your video in here. Live is better than recorded. It captures the real emotions.
