
I used to do - 하던

하던 means "used to" or it refers to an action or state in the past.

A noun is usually followed by 하던 which describes the noun.

e.g. 여기는 내가 일하던 곳이야 = This is the place where I used to work / had worked.

The past tense form of '하던' is 했던 and it means essentially the same as 하던 when used in this sense.

e.g. 여기는 내가 일하던 곳이야 = 여기는 내가 일했던 곳이야 = This is the place where I used to work / had worked.

Take 다 off verbs/adjectives and add 던.

  • 하던 (했던) = used to do
  • 가던 (갔던) = used to go
  • 오던 (왔던) = used to come
  • 다니던 (다녔던) = used to attend
  • 살던 (살았던) = used to live
  • 먹던 (먹었던) = used to eat
  • 높던 (높았던) = used to be tall

Example sentences

  • 저 빌딩은 내가 다니던 대학이야 = That building is the university/college (building) where I used to attend.

  • 이건 내가 먹던 과자야 = This is the snack that I was eating.  
  • 이건 내가 예전에 먹던 과자야 = This is the snack I used to eat in the past.

  • 여기는 링컨이 살던 마을이야 = This is the town where Lincoln used to live / had lived.

  • 저 타워는 2년 전 까지만 해도 세계에서 가장 높았던 건물이야 = That tower is the building which used to be the tallest in the world until 2 years ago.

  • 이 레스토랑은 민재가 자주 갔던 중식집이에요 = This restaurant is the Chinese restaurant where Min-jae used to go often.


  1. Hi Luke! it's really a great site to learn about Korean which I rarely find in Korean language textbooks.

    Anw, what's the different in using 하던 and 했었어? can we use it interchangeably?

    1. Hi ms,

      You must use a noun after 하던 whereas 했었어 is an ending.

      For example,

      여기는 내가 일하던 곳이야 = This place is where I used to work

      나는 여기서 일했었어 = I used to work here.

  2. Thank you so much for the post ~
