
As I was doing - ~하다 보니깐

~하다 보니깐 means "As I have been/was doing (something)"

This phrase is used when you want to convey a nuanced meaning of "you've been doing something, and learned / found / experienced / saw / heard something along the way."

하다 보니깐 is actually a contracted form of 하다 보니까는

  • 하다 보니깐 = As I have been/was doing (something)
  • 가다 보니깐 = As I have been/was going (somewhere)
  • 오다 보니깐 = As I have been/was coming (somewhere)
  • 살다 보니깐 = As I have been/was living (this way)
  • 먹다 보니깐 = As I have been/was eating

Example Sentences:

  • 살다 보니깐, 무조건 열심히만 한다고 성공하는 건 아니란걸 배웠다 = As I have been living (until now), I learned that hard work alone may not bring success.

  • 살다 보니깐, 노력없이는 성공의 꿈조차 꿀 수 없다는 걸 깨달았다 = As I have been living (until now), I learned / understood that without hard work, you cannot even dream of success.

  • 가다 보니깐, 오른쪽에 동물원이 있더라고 = As I was going (somewhere), there was a zoo on my right-hand side.

  • 먹다 보니깐, 이미 늦었더라고요 = As I was eating, I found that I was already late.

  • 그러다 보니깐, 나는 최선을 다하고 나머지 결과는 기다리고, 운이 좋거나, 사회가 허락하면 좋은 결과가 있는 거구요. = As I have been like that, I just do my best and wait for results, and if Iuck finds its way to me, or the society finds me helpful, I get good results.

To Listen to How 하다 보니깐 is Used, Watch This Interview:

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