
Go to do - ~러 가다

~러 가다 is used when you want to express the purpose of going somewhere.

For example,

  • 영수는 공부하러 갔어 = Young-su went to study

  • 짐은 책 빌리러 도서관에 갔어 = Jim went to the library to borrow books

Replace 다 with 러 가다/갔어/갔다/갔어요/갔습니다

  • 하러 가다 = go to do
  • 보러 가다 = go to watch/see
  • 먹으러 가다 = go to eat
  • 마시러 가다 = go to drink
  • 자러 가다 = go to sleep
  • 잡으러 가다 = go to catch
  • 사러 가다 = go to buy
  • 빌리러 가다 = go to borrow

Example sentences

  • 민희는 아이폰5를 사러 갔다. = Min-hee went to buy iPhone 5.

  • 제시카는 친구들과 바닷가에 고기 잡으러 갔어요 = Jessica went to the seaside with friends to catch fish. 

Note: 고기 means 'meat.' Technically, fish is '물고기' but often, just 고기 is used in spoken Korean to refer to 'fish.' 

  • 진수는 영진이랑 샘이랑 저녁 먹으러 나갔어 = Jinsu went out to have dinner with Young-jin and Sam.

  • 필승이는 가족이랑 같이 호빗 영화 보러 갔어요 = Pil-sung went to watch the movie, Hobbit, with (his) family.


  1. Thanks so much! I've searched a while for something that explains the grammar of 마시러 갈래요?

    Can this be used with the verb 오다 to express "come to do"? For example 먹으러 오다 (come to eat - inviting someone to your house to eat).

    Will it work on other verbs too? For example:

    Drink to forget your troubles.
    Stop (driving) to rest for the night.

    1. Hi William Kelley,

      먹으러 오다 would work.

      존은 우리 집에 저녁 먹으러 왔어 = John came to our house to have dinner (with us)

      However, it wouldn't necessarily work with other verbs

      For example,
      Jane drank to forget her troubles = 제인은 문제들을 잊으려고 술을 마셨어

      Mike stopped to rest for the night = 마이크는 밤이라 쉬려고 차를 세웠어

      ~려고 is used in these cases.

    2. Excellent, thanks! You're doing a great job.

      Is there a form where I can request that you explain other grammar or should I just ask in comments?

    3. You're welcome!

      You can just leave in comments! :-)

  2. thank you so much, your blog is really helpful^^~
    i just have a question

    제인은 문제들을 잊으려고 술을 마셨어

    제인은 문제들을 잊기 위해 술을 마셨어

    can i use 잊으려고 = 잊기 위해 ?

    1. you're welcome!

      yes you can use them interchangeably, but I guess if you use in conversations, 잊으려고 would be more commonly used, and 잊기 위해 would be more commonly used in writing.

  3. Hi! I want to ask 묻다 + (으)러 becomes 물러 or 물으러?

  4. Hii... im so helped read your blog.
    1. -ㄹ 거예요
    2. -ㄹ 까요
    3. -러 가 다
    4. -ㄹ 래요
    5. -ㄹ 려거 (?)
    Etc .
    Im so cooonnfusedd.. bcause all the meaning is 'will' 도아주세요... 고마워요

  5. Very very helpful.Thank you a lot.

  6. Its really helpful.Thank you very much.

  7. your website is the best
