
Learn Korean Listening and Speaking Exercise

Click on the play button below to listen to the audio recording.

The sentences below are also found in the lesson, Sentence Order.

*Right-click and click 'Save link as' to save this MP3 file.

안녕하세요 여러분
= Hello everyone

저는 루크에요
= I'm Luke

저는 루크입니다
= I'm Luke

저는 학생이에요
= I am a student (polite spoken Korean)

전 학생이에요 (저는 → 전)

나는 학생이야 = I am a student (informal spoken Korean)
난 학생이야 (나는 → 난)

Note: The sentences below are all in polite spoken Korean

리사는 선생님이에요 = Lisa is a teacher

앤드류는 의사에요 = Andrew is a doctor

민규는 중학생이에요 = Min-gyu is a middle school student

앤은 예뻐요 = Anne is pretty
앤은 정말 예뻐요 =  Anne is really pretty
산이 아름다워요 = The mountain is beautiful
날씨가 정말 좋아요 = The weather is good

사과를 먹었어요 = I ate an apple.
지성이는 물을 마셔요 = Ji-sung drinks water.
새들이 노래를 불러요 = The birds are singing songs.
안나는 대학을 다녀요 = Anna attends college (university)
영희는 어제 정원에 꽃을 심었어요
= Young-hee planted a flower in the garden yesterday.

By pausing the audio recording, and reading out the sentence yourself, you could practice speaking Korean as well.

For More Audio Recordings:


  1. Hi Luke, I tried to download and listen to this listening exercise, however, the source file can't be found, please check so that I can learn this lesson, thanks!

    1. Hi,

      I just tried downloading it, and it worked.
      Please try it again!


  2. Good Morning 박선생님 ,
    I have a request if you can explain in detail the ending particle
    "~들" i really don't get it no matter i try to understand how and when we use it ,

    Thanks in advance ,

    One of your student ^^

    1. Hi 태디미,

      들 is used for plural nouns.

      Example, 사람 = person, 사람들 = people

      집 = house, 집들 = houses.

      However, 들 can also be used when you're talking to people (rather than one person)

      For example,
      안녕하세요 = hello (polite, to one person or people)
      안녕들하세요 = hello (polite, to people(more than one person))

      However, 들 is not used that often because it can sound quite blunt and it doesn't sound quite polite.

      You may hear it in dramas where labour workers are about to have a lunch break, and one person may shout to other people, "점심들 먹고 하죠. = Let's have lunch and then do (the rest of the work), shall we?"

      But again, you may hear it in dramas but I wonder whether it's used that often in real life. But it'd be good to know, anyway, :)

      Hope this helps!

    2. I meant "들 is not used that often when used in the above sense"

      들 is used frequently when it's just used to make a noun plural.

    3. Yes really helpful ,
      고마워요 샘 ^•^


    4. 오, 정말 고마워요 빅루크 샘 ^^

  3. Hi Luke,
    I also tried to download this listening exercise many times but the the source file can't still be found.. Be please help me! :(( I'm really want to learn this..

    1. Hi Neo,

      I've repaired the link, please try it again.



  4. Hi Luke,

    Thanks for this guidebook!


  5. Annyeong haseyo... I'm just a newbie her...I learned a lot:] The guidebook is so good:] God bless to the author :] gomawoyo! :]

  6. Hello Luke,

    Thank you very much for your work. Are you still maintaining this site?

    God bless you greatly.

    In Christ


  7. Hi Luke,

    First of all i really wanna thank u so much for your amazing effort
    U did an amzing work and opened the the door for the people who wants to learn korean language
    Thanks again

    I have some problems in learning the languge and its really bothering me and hope u can help me out couz i learnet alphabet and when i started to apply it in words it didnt work out

    Like when we say 안녕하십니까 (annyeong-hasimnikka) & 입니다 (imnida)
    but according to alphabet it must be said like this (annyeong hasibnikka) & (ibnida)
    Does when ㅂ come before ㄴ we change it from b to m
    and does it for all the other words or just these two

    And please if i wanna ask you about anything else how can i contact with you
    Thanks again

    And im so sorry for bothering you and for all my questions

    God bless you Luke


  8. Hi Luke,
    I just found your website and think it is an excellent website. Thank you so much for all this information and your hard work. I really appreciate all your hard work!


  9. 안녕하세요

    when we conjugate “이다” it will change to “ 이에요 “ for nouns with a final consonant like저는 학생이에요, and “예요” for nouns without a final consonant but why in저는 루크에요 and앤드류는 의사에요 it ends with ”에요” not”예요”?


  10. 안녕하세요

    I just wanted to say thankyou Luke. This has really helped me with my korean and I hope someday that I'll be able to talk fluently in korean as much as I talk fluently in english

    고맙습니다 선생님��


  11. Gomapseumnida Sir Luke 😇😇😇
