
There is / I have - 있다/있네

있다 is used colloquially to mean "There is/are" or "I have."

For example,

  • 저기에 호수 있다 = There is a lake over there.

  • 나 갤럭시 에스 쓰리 있다 = I have a Galaxy S3.

Similarly, you could also use "있네" to mean "There is/are" or "I have."

However, 있네 is used when you did not have any prior knowledge of the presence of something or having owned something.

  • 저기에 호수 있네 = There is a lake over there. (I didn't know there was a lake over there.)

  • 어, 나 지갑 있네 = Oh, I have a wallet. (I thought I didn't have/bring it.)

있다 and 있네 are very similarly used as 있다 is also used when you did not have any prior knowledge of the presence of something.

  • 저기에 호수 있네 = There is a lake over there. (= 저기에 호수 있다)

있었네, which is the past tense of 있네, is also frequently used to mean "I had".

  • 어, 나 지갑 있네 = Oh, I have a wallet. (I thought I didn't have/bring it.)

  • 어, 나 지갑 있었네 = Oh, I had a wallet. (I thought I didn't have/bring it.)

Additionally, 있네/있었네 can be used to mean "I/you/he/she/they have" whereas 있다 is usually used to only mean "I have."

  • 어, 너 지갑 있네 = Oh, you have a wallet. (We thought you didn't have/bring your wallet.)

  • 어, 진수 지갑 있었네 = Oh, Jinsu had a wallet. (We thought Jinsu didn't have/bring his wallet.)

Examples sentences

  • 여기 놀이공원 있다 = There's a theme park here. (= 여기 놀이공원 있네)

  • 나 킨들 있다 = (Hey) I have/own a Kindle.

  • 어, 나 핸드폰 있네/있었네 = Oh, I had/brought a mobile phone (I thought I forgot to bring it)

  • 어, 너 갤럭시 노트 있네 = Oh, you have a Galaxy Note.

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