
Korean Listening Exercise - Additive Particle 도

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The sentences below are also found in Additive Particle - 도.

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Written Korean (informal)

나도 학생이다 = I am a student, too
그도 친절하다 = He is kind, too
이것도 연필이다 = This is a pencil, too
하늘도 높다 = The sky is high, too
그녀도 공부한다 = She studies, too
존도 갔다 = John went, too
영수도 먹었다 = Young-su ate, too

다윗은 왕이었다 = David was a king
솔로몬도 왕이었다 = Solomon was a king, too

제니는 나갔다 = Jenny went outside
유리도 나갔다 = Yuri went outside, too

다윗은 양치기였다 = David was a shepherd.
다윗은 또한 왕이었다 = David was also a king.

제니는 대학생이다 = Jenny is a college (university) student
제니는 또한 음악 선생님이다 = Jenny is also a music teacher

Spoken Korean (informal)

나도 학생이야 = I am a student, too
걔도 친절해 = He is kind, too
이것도 연필이야 = This is a pencil, too
하늘도 높아 = The sky is high, too
걔도 공부해 = She studies, too
존도 갔어 = John went, too
영수도 먹었어 = Young-su ate, too

다윗은 왕이었어 = David was a king
솔로몬도 왕이었어 = Solomon was a king, too

제니는 나갔어 = Jenny went outside
유리도 나갔어 = Yuri went outside, too

다윗은 양치기였어 = David was a shepherd.
다윗은 또한 왕이었어 = David was also a king.

제니는 대학생이야 = Jenny is a college (university) student
제니는 또한 음악 선생님이야 = Jenny is also a music teacher

Spoken Korean (polite)

저도 학생이에요 = I am a student, too
걔도 친절해요 = He is kind, too
이것도 연필이에요 = This is a pencil, too
하늘도 높아요 = The sky is high, too
걔도 공부해요 = She studies, too
존도 갔어요 = John went, too
영수도 먹었어요 = Young-su ate, too

다윗은 왕이었어요 = David was a king
솔로몬도 왕이었어요 = Solomon was a king, too

제니는 나갔어요 = Jenny went outside
유리도 나갔어요 = Yuri went outside, too

다윗은 양치기였어요 = David was a shepherd.
다윗은 또한 왕이었어요 = David was also a king.

제니는 대학생이에요 = Jenny is a college (university) student
제니는 또한 음악 선생님이에요 = Jenny is also a music teacher

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