
Korean Listening Exercise: Nouns - Nominalising

Click on the play button below to listen to the audio recording.

The sentences below are also found in Nouns - Nominalising.

*Right-click and click 'Save link as' to save this MP3 file.

Written Korean
  • 하는 것 = something that you do
  • 한 것 = something that you did
  • 큰 것 = something that is big / large

Note: 것 is also used in spoken Korean but it's used a lot less often.

Spoken Korean (것 is often simplified to 거)
  • 하는 거 = something that you do
  • 긴 거 = something that is long

Spoken Korean (informal)
  • 이 노트북이 가장 빠른 거야. = This laptop is the one that is the fastest.

  • 이 과일주스 병들은 다 마신거야. = These bottles of fruit juice are all what we drank from already.

  • 이 음식들도 오늘 먹는 거야? = Are these food something that we eat today as well? (=Are we going to eat these food today as well?)

  • 지금 티비 보는 거야? = Is TV something you're watching now? (= Are you watching TV now?)

  • 이 물고기들은 다 어제 바다에서 잡은 것들이야 = These fish are all what (I) caught at the sea yesterday.

Spoken Korean (polite)

  • 이 노트북이 가장 빠른 거예요 = This laptop is the one that is the fastest.

  • 이 과일주스 병들은 다 마신거예요 = These bottles of fruit juice are all what we drank from already.

  • 이 음식들도 오늘 먹는 거예요? = Are these food something that we eat today as well? (=Are we going to eat these food today as well?)

  • 지금 티비 보는 거예요? = Is TV something you're watching now? (= Are you watching TV now?)

  • 이 물고기들은 다 어제 바다에서 잡은 것들이에요 = These fish are all what I caught at the sea yesterday.


  1. Thanks so much for the audio posts, they are very helpful! I am posting some unconnected questions here as you asked...

    1) Have you covered the "You mean..." construction yet? I looked at your grammar list and didn't find it. In particular, I mean things like this:

    우리 셋이 닮았다고요?
    You mean the three of us look alike?

    I also have seen it translated as "Do the three of us look alike?"

    I haven't even seen the -다고(요) form before.

    2) Does the sentence above use the verb 닮다 or 닮았다? Because apparently, the above sentence is in the present tense.

    Thanks again!

    1. Hi William,

      No, I haven't posted -고요 form yet.

      I think the translation of 우리 셋이 닮았다고요? as "You mean the three of us look alike?" is appropriate.

      And 닮다 and 닮았다 are both in the present tense.


    2. Hi, Luke Ssi ... !
      I can see the: " 았 " in the sentence but why "the sentence form" is mentioned as a present "not" past tense ... ?

      Thank you :)

    3. Annyeonghaseyo, Luke ssi ...!
      I am confusing for the above explanation
      why 닮았다 can be present tense ...? I think it's past tense because it contains the:' 았 ' before 닮 as stem from 닮다.
      감사합니다 ... ! :)

    4. Hi,

      Yes, 닮았다 is used in the present tense although it looks like it's in the past tense.

      닮다 is hardly used and 닮았다 is used instead.

      The past tense of 닮았다 would be 닮았었다.

      you're welcome! :-)

  2. I don't get this lesson I mean, I don't understand what's 'Nouns - Nominalising' what are we doing with these nouns? I'm confused I don't understand it. Anyway thank you for all those lessons! :)
