
Korean Listening Exercise: Pronouns (I, You) - 나, 저, 너, 당신

Click on the play button below to listen to the audio recording.

For more explanations on the following sentences below, please refer to the lesson, Pronouns (I, You) - 나, 저, 너, 당신.

*Right-click and click 'Save link as' to save this MP3 file.

Casual form (나, I)

나 = I

나는 = I + 는 (Topic particle)
  • 난 (usually in spoken Korean)
  • 나는 루크야. 난 루크야 = I am Luke

내가 = I + 가 (Identifier particle)
  • 내가 샀어 = I bought (it) (It was I who bought it)

나도 = I + 도 (Additive particle)
  • 나도 갔었어 = I've been there, too (Lit. I had gone there, too)

나를 = I + 를 (Object particle)
  • 날 (usually in spoken Korean)
  • 나를 봐, 날 봐 = Look at me

내 = my
  • 내 전화 = My phone
  • 내 시계 = My watch

내 것 = mine (written Korean)
내 꺼 (usually in spoken Korean)
  • 이건 내꺼야 = This is mine

Polite form (저, I)

저 = I
저는 = I + 는 (Topic particle)
  • 전 (usually in spoken Korean)
  • 전 피터입니다 = I am Peter.
  • 제가 먹었어요 = I ate it
  • 저도 했어요 = I did it, too

저를 = I + 를 (Object particle)
  • 절 (usually in spoken Korean)
  • 절 찍어주세요 = Please choose/vote (for) me

제 = my
  • 제 양말이에요 = (These are) my socks
  • 제 신발이에요 = (These are) my shoes

제 것 = mine (written Korean)
제 꺼 (usually in spoken Korean)
  • 제 꺼에요 = (It is) mine

Informal form (너, You)

    너 = You
    너는 = You + 는 (Topic particle)
    • 넌 (usually in spoken Korean)
    • 넌 뭐할꺼야? = (As for) you, what are going to do?

    네가 = You + 가 (Identifier particle) (written Korean)
    • 니가 (usually in spoken Korean)
    • 니가 먼저 해 = You do (it) first 

    너도 = You + 도 (Additive particle)
    • 너도 갈거지? = You'll go too, right?
    • 너도 먹을거지? = You'll eat too, right?

    너를 = You + 를 (Object particle)
    • 널 (usually in spoken Korean)
    • 널 좋아한데 = (It is said) he/she likes you

    네 = your (written Korean)
    • 니 (usually in spoken Korean)
    • 니 차로 가자 = Let's go by your car

    네 것 = yours (written Korean)
    니 꺼 (usually in spoken Korean)
    • 니 꺼지? = Yours, isn't it?

    Polite form (당신, You)

    • 당신 = your 
    • 당신 것 = yours (written Korean)
      • 당신 꺼 (usually in spoken Korean)


    1. 널 좋아한데 = (It is said) he/she likes you

      The 데 part in the end of sentence, what is it about?

      Thank You

    2. 데 means "It is said" or "someone told me"

      학교 간데 = (someone told me) (he's) going to school

      좋아한데 = (someone told me) (he/she) likes you

    3. i can't have the mp3 file for this lesson ? could you help Luke please :)

      1. Yes, you can! It should be working? Please try it again:)

    4. Thank you so much Luke! Your tutorials are very clear and easy to understand!
      May I ask a question?

      Is there any situation where we will use "나" alone to represent "I"?
      For example, if someone asks: "Who did it?" We can reply "내가did it" (I did it).

      Can I simply reply "me" just like what we say in English?
      "Who did it?"
      "Me" --> what should we say in this case? 나 or 내가 or 나를?

      Thank you!

    5. Dear Luke,

      could you explain for me the "거지" in the sentence " 너도 갈거지". Is that the Word with Questioning function in the end of the sentence?

    6. 후 재생이 지원되지 않습니다
