
Korean Listening Exercise - Time/Place Particle 에

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The sentences below are also found in Time / Place Particle - 에.

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Written Korean (informal)

샘은 한국에 갔다 = Sam went to Korea [Sam, to Korea, went]
준수는 5(오)월에 왔다 = Jun-su came in May [Jun-su, in May, came]

샘은 작년 10(시)월 가을에 한국에 갔다 = Sam went to Korea last year in October during the autumn season  [Sam, last year, in October, in Autumn, to Korea, went]
준수는 2000(이천)년도 여름에 호주에 왔다 = Jun-su came to Australia in summer 2000. [Jun-su, in 2000, in summer, to Australia, came]

공원에서 놀았다 = played (had fun) at the park [At the park, (we) played (had fun)]
영국에서 지냈다 = stayed in Britain [In Britain, (I) stayed]
공항에서 기다렸다 = waited at the airport [At the airport, (we) waited]

시골에 갔다 = went to a countryside
친구가 병원에 방문왔다 = A friend of mine came (to visit me) to hospital
집에 있었다 = was home
대학에서 강의를 들었다 = listen to a lecture at the university or college
많은 사람들이 놀이 공원에 왔다 = A lot of people came to the theme park
아침에 시리얼을 먹었다 = I ate cereal in the morning [In the morning, I ate cereal]
오후 2(두)시에 비가 내렸다 = It started raining at 2 o'clock in the afternoon [Lit. The rain fell]

Spoken Korean (informal)

샘은 한국에 갔어 = Sam went to Korea [Sam, to Korea, went]
준수는 5(오)월에 왔어 = Jun-su came in May [Jun-su, in May, came]

샘은 작년 10(시)월 가을에 한국에 갔어 = Sam went to Korea last year in October during the autumn season  [Sam, last year, in October, in Autumn, to Korea, went]
준수는 2000(이천)년도 여름에 호주에 왔어 = Jun-su came to Australia in summer 2000. [Jun-su, in 2000, in summer, to Australia, came]

공원에서 놀았어 = played (had fun) at the park [At the park, (we) played (had fun)]
영국에서 지냈어 = stayed in Britain [In Britain, (I) stayed]
공항에서 기다렸어 = waited at the airport [At the airport, (we) waited]

시골에 갔어 = went to a countryside
친구가 병원에 방문왔어 = A friend of mine came (to visit me) to hospital
집에 있었어 = was home
대학에서 강의를 들었어 = listen to a lecture at the university
많은 사람들이 놀이 공원에 왔어 = A lot of people came to the theme park
아침에 시리얼을 먹었어 = I ate cereal in the morning [In the morning, I ate cereal]
오후 2(두)시에 비가 내렸어 = It started raining at 2 o'clock in the afternoon [Lit. The rain fell]

Spoken Korean (polite)

샘은 한국에 갔어요 = Sam went to Korea [Sam, to Korea, went]
준수는 5(오)월에 왔어요 = Jun-su came in May [Jun-su, in May, came]

샘은 작년 10(시)월 가을에 한국에 갔어요 = Sam went to Korea last year in October during the autumn season  [Sam, last year, in October, in Autumn, to Korea, went]
준수는 2000(이천)년도 여름에 호주에 왔어요 = Jun-su came to Australia in summer 2000. [Jun-su, in 2000, in summer, to Australia, came]

공원에서 놀았어요 = played (had fun) at the park [At the park, (we) played (had fun)]
영국에서 지냈어요 = stayed in Britain [In Britain, (I) stayed]
공항에서 기다렸어요 = waited at the airport [At the airport, (we) waited]

시골에 갔어요 = went to a countryside
친구가 병원에 방문왔어요 = A friend of mine came (to visit me) to hospital
집에 있었어요 = was home
대학에서 강의를 들었어요 = listen to a lecture at the university
많은 사람들이 놀이 공원에 왔어요 = A lot of people came to the theme park
아침에 시리얼을 먹었어요 = I ate cereal in the morning [In the morning, I ate cereal]
오후 2(두)시에 비가 내렸어요 = It started raining at 2 o'clock in the afternoon [Lit. The rain fell]

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