
Top 10 Most Commonly Used Korean Words (Verbs)

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The following ten Korean words have been found to be the most commonly used words (verbs) in Korean according to Korean Words & Phrases Use Frequency Statistics.

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1. 하다 = Do
2. 있다 = Be, There is/are
3. 되다 = Become
4. 보다 = See, Watch, Look
5. 대하다 = Be about, Treat, Face (verb),
6. 위하다 = Be for, Care for
7. 말하다 = Say, Tell, Speak, Talk
8. 가다 = Go
9. 받다 = Receive
10. 보이다 = be seen

Example sentences

3. 되다

박근혜 당선자는 한국의 첫 여성 대통령이 되었다 = The successful candidate, Geun-Hye Park, became the first female president of the Republic of Korea.

  • 박근혜 = Park Geun-Hye (Geun-Hey Park)
  • 당선자 = The successful candidate / elected person
  • 당선 = election (being elected, winning (an election))
  • (선거 = election (the process))
  • (투표 = vote)
  • 한국 = (The Republic of) Korea
  • 첫 = first
  • 여성 = female
  • 대통령 = President
  • 되었다 = became (informal written form)

5. 대하다

한국어에 대한 정보는 구글에서 많이 찾을 수 있다 = (In regards to) the information about the Korean language, you can find a lot (about it) on Google.

  • 한국어 = the Korean (language)
  • 대한 = about
  • 정보 = information
  • 구글 = Google
  • 에서 = at/in
  • 많이 = a lot
  • 찾다 = find
  • 찾을 수 있다 = can find (informal written form)

6. 위하다

너를 위한 선물이야! = (This is) a present for you!

  • 너 = you
  • 위한 = for
  • 선물 = present

10. 보이다

크리스마스 날 시내에 많은 사람들이 보였다 = On the Christmas Day, a lot of people were seen in the city centre/downtown.

  • 크리스마스 날 = Christmas Day
  • 시내 = city centre / downtown
  • 많은 = a lot (of), many
  • 사람들 = people
  • 보였다 = be seen (informal written form)

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