
Korean Listening Exercise - Possessive - 의

Click on the play button below to listen to the audio recording.

For more explanations on the following sentences below, please refer to the lesson, Possessive - 의.

*Right-click and click 'Save link as' to save this MP3 file.

  • 나 + 의 → 나의 = my
  • 너 + 의 → 너의 = your
  • 그 + 의 → 그의 = his
  • 그녀 + 의 → 그녀의 = her

However, in most spoken Korean, they are simplified for easier pronunciation.

  • 나의 → 내
  • 너의 → 네 (pronounced 니)
  • 그의/그녀의 → 쟤,걔 (casual form)
  • 누가(who) → 누구 (whose)

내 and 네(니) are more commonly used than other possessives in spoken Korean. In most cases 의 is omitted.

  • My car = 내 차
  • Your shoes = 네 신발 (pronounced 니 신발)
  • Michael's car = 마이클의 자동차 (written form) or 마이클 차 (spoken form)

Notice that 의 has been omitted. Also, 자동차 has been simplified to 차.

  • 누구 차야? (Whose car is it?)
  • 마이클 (차) (You can either answer by saying 마이클 or 마이클 차)

  • Lisa's friend1: 리사 가방 진짜 예뻐. (Lisa's handbag is really pretty)
  • Lisa's friend2: 진짜? 나도 그거 사고 싶다. (Really? I, too, want to buy that)

Another thing to note is that 네 is attached to a personal name if a noun being possessed is a group/organisation. (Spoken Form)
  • Lisa's friend1: 리사네 집 진짜 커 (Lisa's house is really big)
  • Lisa's friend2: 리사네 학교도 커. (Lisa's school, too, is big)

리사네 집 = Lisa's house (it implies that she lives in that house with her family, although 리사네 집 can still be used to refer to the house where she lives alone.)


  1. 아주 좋은 .. 나는 그것을 좋아 ..

  2. I needed that review. The possessive could also be used with the 제 if you needed the 1st person honorific.

  3. Thank you so much!!

  4. 김 아랴 🎸🎵🎶🎤🎧🎼6:28 PM, February 04, 2017


  5. 감사합니다 선생님~~ 잘 배웠어요
