
Korean Listening Exercise - Verbs - Speech

Click on the play button below to listen to the audio recording.

For more explanations on the following sentences below, please refer to the lesson, Verbs - Speech (in spoken Korean).

*Right-click and click 'Save link as' to save this MP3 file.

잘 = well
쇼핑 = shopping
어 = yes
오전 = am
오후 = pm
먼저 갈게 = I'll go first

This dialogue should be easy to comprehend.

대화 시작 = The conversation starts

상우: 지우야, 뭐 해?
Sang-u: Ji-u, what are you doing?

지우: 밥 먹어.
Ji-u: I'm eating (a meal).

상우: 어디 가?

Sang-u: Where are you going?

지우: 어. 학교 가.
Ji-u: I'm going to school.

상우: 언제 가?
Sang-u: When are you going?

지우: 9(아홉)시에.
Ji-u: At 9 o'clock.

상우: 왜?
Sang-u: Why? [are you going to school?]

지우: 학교에서 공부해.
Ji-u: I study at school.

상우: 재밌어?
Sang-u: Is it fun?

지우: 어. 재밌어.
Ji-u: Yes, it's fun.

상우: 어떻게 공부해?
Sang-u: How do you study?

지우: 선생님이 가르쳐 주셔.
Ji-u: My teacher teaches me.

상우: 아~ 그래?
Sang-u: Ah, really?

지우: 어. 너는 뭐 해?
Ji-u: Yep. How about you? (Lit. (As for) you, what do you do? / what are you going to do?)

상우: 나는 쇼핑 가.
Sang-u: I'm going shopping

지우: 언제?
Ji-u: When?

상우: 오후 3시에.
Sang-u: At 3 o'clock pm.

지우: 밥은 먹었어?
Ji-u: Did you have a meal? (Have you had a meal?)

상우: 어. 먹었어. 나 먼저 갈게. 잘 있어~
Sang-u: Yes. I have. I'll go first then. Bye~

지우: 잘 가~
Ji-u: Bye~

Written Form - Spoken Form
[For detailed explanation, refer to (Verbs - Present, Past)] 

go = 가다 - 가
come = 오다 - 와
do = 하다 - 해
eat = 먹다 - 먹어
give = 주다 - 줘
receive = 받다 - 받아
play = 놀다 - 놀아
sleep = 자다 - 자
run = 달리다 - 달려
teach = 가르치다 - 가르쳐
learn = 배우다 - 배워

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